How to Teach with Labster

Learn how to teach with Labster using various methods and active learning strategies.

This eBook is dedicated to the exceptional educators who choose to continue their learning about how best to engage, inspire, and empower the next generation of scientists. Thank you for planting the seeds of so many trees under whose shade you may never sit. 

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How to Teach with Labster

Learn how to teach with Labster using various methods and active learning strategies.

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This eBook is dedicated to the exceptional educators who choose to continue their learning about how best to engage, inspire, and empower the next generation of scientists. Thank you for planting the seeds of so many trees under whose shade you may never sit. 


How STEM educators can use this ebook

When scientists enter the classroom, they often do so with very little pedagogical training. STEM educators have a wealth of highly specialized content knowledge honed by years of graduate, doctoral, and professional work, but they tend to fall into the same methods of teaching that their own instructors used years before. 

The downside to maintaining a time-honored tradition of science instruction and course design is that the form and function of teaching have evolved along with recent advances in technology and research in neuroscience, psychology, and education. Insights from cognitive science have informed new pedagogical approaches, including evidence-based active and experiential learning practices that are more effective at helping students learn. These insights have led to developing and proliferating new digital tools that aim to enhance learning. 

Realizing the potential impact of all this innovation requires one essential element: skillful teachers who know how to make learning work in the real world. STEM instructors who explore this book will discover how to use the Labster platform to its fullest potential and a little research-backed encouragement about why their work matters so much. It’s our hope that they will feel empowered to consider and try new techniques based on what their experience suggests will work well for them, their students, and their course goals.

Teaching Methods

Learn more about the various methods you can use to teach with Labster.

Teacher helping student on desktop computer

Active Learning Strategies

Learn about how to teach with Labster using these active learning strategies.

Teaching the Phygital Generation

The Phygital Generation wants to learn in both physical and digital spaces: here are some ways you can help them.

Virtual Access to Advanced Equipment

Advanced equipment for the lab can be expensive. Here's what you can access with Labster.

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