Publishing Guidelines

Accessibility, SEO, styles, and more.


Do not use the same link text for different link destinations

Common causes for this error are generic words like "study", "click here", or "source" which may be used in different instances with different links.


One study on urban health showed that fast food is a major problem, where as another study on food desserts emphasized the lack of health options.


One study on urban health showed that fast food is a major problem, where as another study on food desserts emphasized the lack of health options.


Always add a title to YouTube and Wistia Embeds

When drafting, click your video and then click the wrench. There you will see a place to add a title.


Keep images below 300KB

Large images hurt performance, and they also flash while they are loading which hurts accessibility.

Don't forget to add a title to EVERY image
Keep these below 300kb

Always Add Alt Text

Alt text helps screen readers understand what an image is. Never use a simple filename for Alt Text, use plain spoken language.

Click the wrench to open settings and add alt text


Do not use GIFs.

Text (SEO and Formatting)

Make sure that you use headings in the right order. Avoid skipping a level.










Avoid adding extra space with ENTER key

We have spacing built into our fonts, and when spacing is applied inconsistently, it becomes difficult to alter formatting later.


Please check what your page looks like on the live site to ensure formatting is correct.

Styles are applied after publishing, and only visible on the frontend.

If you can't publish, there might be some development changes stopping you. Ask website lead.

When changes are made to the website, Webflow freezes publishing so that publishers can't push through unfinished changes.

Remember that "Save Draft" will unpublish your page

Save Draft turns a published page into an unpublished draft.