The Educator's Guide to Labster

How to get started fast, support your students, and deepen your pedagogical understanding of virtual labs.

This guide is designed to help educators teach with virtual labs and the Labster platform, from technical set-up to pedagogical thought-leadership. This guide has everything you need to get started fast, and expand what you think you can achieve with science simulations.

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The Educator's Guide to Labster

How to get started fast, support your students, and deepen your pedagogical understanding of virtual labs.

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This guide is designed to help educators teach with virtual labs and the Labster platform, from technical set-up to pedagogical thought-leadership. This guide has everything you need to get started fast, and expand what you think you can achieve with science simulations.


The Labster Science Platform

Team members share what Labster is and how it impacts the learning experience in the short video below.

Chapter 1: Technical Setup 

The Labster implementation process assists you in connecting your LMS to Labster, setting up your Course Manager instance, and adding courses to your Labster instance. Each of the recordings below covers:

  • Introduction and overview of our onboarding process
  • How to set up and add simulations
  • Overview of Labster support (how and when to contact support)
  • How to add students
  • How to view your gradebook

Using your LMS or Course Manager with Labster

The following implementation recordings and Help Center articles walk you through how to access Labster via your LMS or Labster Course Manager. Choose your LMS below to find your appropriate recording or text article*. If your institution does not use a learning management system for Labster, or if your LMS is not listed below, watch the recorded Course Manager webinar.

*Note: If your institution is brand new to using Labster, your administrator may need to set up your LMS integration before you can begin browsing and assigning simulations. See the Admin articles here.

Changing your language settings

You can now set your entire logged-in Labster account experience to appear in Spanish, French, German or Italian, learn how.

Chromebook and iPad App information 

Labster is now supported on iPads and Chromebooks for many learning management systems. For the best user experience on these devices, we recommend downloading the applicable native app. If you are unsure if your LMS can run on Chromebooks or iPads, please reach out to your Account Manager for confirmation.

Download the Labster app from the Apple store

Download the Labster app on Google Play

Chapter 2: Overview of Features

This brief overview introduces you to your core subscription features and how to use them.

Chapter 3: Teaching with Labster

Now that you're set up and familiar with the fundamental features of your Labster subscription, you can expand your knowledge (and comfort level) with the addition of these tools and teaching tips. Chapter 3 features worksheets and our customer community, to hot topic blog posts with real customer stories to inspire you throughout the school year.

Teacher Resources and Tools

Measuring the success and seeing the value of your subscription.

  • *POPULAR* Labster's customer community - The Labster Community Campus is designed specifically for educators using Labster or those interested in learning more about our labs, and is your space for developing your virtual simulation skills with on-demand training, product updates, and by connecting with other science educators around the world. Join our educator community today
"Collaboration is the key to success! It is like they say, it takes the community to raise the student but it also takes the community to support the teachers."
-High School Science Teacher

Teaching with Labster

Helpful Tips for All Teachers

Teaching Gen Z

Active Learning


  • Accessibility - Our team is committed to providing educational material that engages and benefits all learners. Our Help Center offers articles about how to play simulations in accessibility mode and a deeper dive into our accessibility roadmap
  • Labster Accessibility FAQ for High School IEPs - Designed specifically for our High School educator, this interactive guide easily highlights Labster's accessibility features.

Customer Case Studies

UbiSim for Labster Customers

UbiSim (a Labster product) offers immersive VR simluations for nursing. Expand nurse training and institutional success through immersive, customizable VR simulations, offering realistic, safe, and hands-on practice opportunities at scale.

Chapter 4: Student Troubleshooting

Sometimes the biggest challenge is explaining new technology to students. We've gathered some key resources in Chapter 4 to onboard your class to virtual labs and keep them motivated with self-service help guides.

How to introduce Labster to your students

Communication and transparency are key. Set expectations of what and why with these resources.

"My favorite has to be lab safety. The students can actually burn the entire lab down. This really works well as an introduction to the students and sets a good tone — that it is ok to make mistakes in these simulations. That way you will not do this in the hands-on lab. I use this in all my courses as the first lab to do."
– Community College Biotechnology Instructor

Student Help Resources

Self-service troubleshooting resources for your students. Provide these links on the first day to set your students up for success.

  • *NEW* Student's Guide to Labster - This guide is designed to help students (and parents) use virtual labs and the Labster platform, from “what is Labster” to on-demand student support. This guide has everything a student needs to gain confidence in using science simulations
"This resource looks amazing. I really admire Labster’s dedication to the user experience and how to improve where possible."
-University Physics Professor
  • Help Center - Search our help articles for common troubleshooting answers
  • Live chat - Located in the Help Center, our live chatbot is ready to answer students’ questions

Chapter 5: Teacher Troubleshooting

Teachers can access our award-winning customer support around the clock. From our new Help Center to our knowledgeable chatbot, we're here to support your needs 24/7.

Here are the steps listed in priority of how to address and solve troubleshooting issues.

  1. Step 1 - We strongly encourage you to visit the Help Center prior to contacting customer support. Easily search by keywords like "accessibility", "iPad", or "browser" to find articles that can address your issue
  2. Step 2 - If you cannot find your answer in the Help Center, our chatbot is available to help, even when the team is not online! Access the chatbot at the top right corner of
  3. Step 3 - Join our educator community, The Labster Community Campus, to ask questions and source feedback from other Labster users
  4. Step 4 - If you are experiencing issues that our Help Center, chatbot, and community cannot help solve, please contact our Customer Support by using the email address

Chapter 6: Additional Resources

Want additional resources like webinars, case studies, and blog posts? Visit the Labster Resource page.

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