How to prepare science students to go out and change the world

In part of our conversation with Dr. Lori Banks, she tells us why a welcoming lab is a prerequisite to preparing them for careers in science.

In part two of our conversation with Dr. Lori Banks, she tells us why making sure that students feel welcome in the lab is a prerequisite to preparing them for careers in science. Her own experience as a student convinced Lori of one thing: her role as an educator is to build self-confidence as much as it is to teach them biology. And for Lori, creating a “nerd army” that will change the world means teaching beyond the textbook, including the use of learning technology like Labster in her program at Bates College.

Read the full transcript.

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a man sitting in front of a computer monitor
Bring Science to Life
Immersive Learning Simulations

Labster helps universities and high schools enhance student success in STEM.

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