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Unravel the mysteries of life's diversity through the lens of evolutionary biology.

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Evolution is a foundational course that explores the fundamental principles and mechanisms responsible for the incredible diversity of life on Earth. Students will gain a deep understanding of how populations change over time, how new species arise, and how scientists study the evolutionary relationships among organisms.

Evolutionary processes and mechanisms

The course introduces the core concepts of evolutionary theory, including natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and the Hardy-Weinberg principle. Students will investigate how these processes shape populations and drive adaptation. 

Genetic inheritance

The course also delves into the principles of genetic inheritance, exploring Mendel's laws, the relationship between genotype and phenotype, and the role of dominant and recessive alleles. Through a detailed examination of meiosis, the cellular process responsible for generating genetic diversity, students will learn about its crucial role in trait inheritance. The course will also explore the mechanisms of population evolution, including adaptation, speciation, and the interplay between genetic and environmental factors in shaping the diversity of life.

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze the fundamental principles of evolutionary theory to explain how populations change over time and adapt to their environments
  • Illustrate the evolutionary relationships among various organisms and kingdoms of life
  • Evaluate the role of meiosis in generating genetic diversity and apply the principles of Mendelian inheritance to predict offspring outcomes

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