How Quick Implementation Made Remote Learning Possible at Drexel

Dr. Meshagae Hunte-Brown is a Teaching Professor in the biology department at Drexel University. According to her Drexel bio, she “teaches four to five classes per term in ‘face to face’ and online settings and her class sizes range from 80 to over 600 students, so she employs a variety of techniques to connect with and capture the attention of her students.” Labster is one of her learning tools.

We recently spoke with Dr. Hunte-Brown about her experience working with the Labster team to quickly implement virtual lab simulations as a solution for her biology course when the university moved all its courses online in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Here’s her story:


Drexel University instructors needed to act quickly when the university moved all its learning online in spring 2020, like many institutions. They had only a few weeks to implement remote learning tools for students. For Dr. Hunte-Brown, who teaches a large section of biology for both major and non-major students, her goal was to find a lab replacement as soon as possible because spring quarter, for her students, relies heavily on lab requirements.


Dr. Hunte Brown found Labster via a Google search and liked what she saw, so she reached out. "I got all my questions answered in the first phone call," she says. Dr. Hunte-Brown worked with Joe Ferraro at Labster to get virtual simulations up and running immediately. "He was instrumental in helping us navigate and expedite roll-out and contract terms so we were ready to start with Labster."

Drexel University Logo


Together with Labster, Dr. Hunte-Brown was able to provide valuable lab learning for her students who would have otherwise missed the lab opportunity. Time was of the essence, but she says her experience was stress-free with Labster. 

Recommending Labster

Dr. Hunte-Brown and her department at Drexel now feel that virtual labs are an important resource for students. Not only do they offer an alternative to in-person labs when necessary, she says, but they are useful supplemental resources for non-major students who benefit from lab learning but who might not necessarily need to experience the wet lab. 

How to get started with Labster

Are you seeking a solution for online learning that is more than just a temporary fix? Sign up for a demo and discover how our science resources can quickly start supporting your students whether they're learning remotely, hybrid or in-person. There's always a Labster solution that's right for you!

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