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About This Simulation
Perform quasi-elastic neutron scattering experiments at a research facility while helping a group of scientists in the Arctic. Observe the structure of atomic layers inside a battery and see how some atoms move when it discharges.
Learning Objectives
- Distinguish the basic components of a rechargeable Li-ion battery
- Recognize in which cases neutrons as a probe might be preferred over x-rays in materials science
- Understand how and why neutrons are produced, moderated in wavelength, transported and detected in a large-scale materials research facility
- Understand neutron transmission imaging and its advantages in materials science
- Distinguish various forms of neutron interaction with a sample and the related neutron cross-sections
- Explain how slow molecular movement in a sample can be measured by quasi-elastic neutron scattering
About This Simulation
Lab Techniques
- Neutron radiography (imaging)
- Quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS)
Related Standards
Learn More About This Simulation
This short, targeted simulations was adapted from the full-length Materials Science with Neutrons simulation.
Are you curious to find out what happens inside a battery without any fear of breaking it? In this simulation, you will learn the basics of neutrons and how they can be used as probes in materials science. You will get to perform experiments in a modern large-scale research facility that requires special permission to enter.
Observe the principles of neutron diffraction
Neutrons are subatomic particles found in the nucleus of most atoms. Through a high-energy process neutrons can be expelled from atoms to produce a free neutron beam. You cannot see the neutron beam with the naked eye but it can penetrate through almost any material. In our experiment it interacts weakly with the sample as it passes through it before finally being recorded in a detector.
Perform a QENS experiment
When neutrons hit the sample, they sometimes change energy due to inelastic or quasi-elastic processes in the sample. Understand the principles of quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) through an interactive animation and perform an experiment on your battery sample. Will you be able to use these results to explain why the battery doesn't work properly in the cold, and will you be able to assist the scientists on their mission in the Arctic?
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Labster is only available for purchase by faculty and administration at academic institutions. To procure Labster, simply reach out to us on our website. Schedule a demo, book a meeting to discuss pricing, start a free trial, or simply fill out our contact form.
Labster simulations are created by real scientists and designed with unparalleled interactivity. Unlike point and click competitors, Labster simulations immerse students and encourage mastery through active learning.
Labster supports a wide range of courses at the high school and university level across fields in biology, chemistry and physics. Some simulations mimic lab procedures with high fidelity to train foundational skills, while others are meant to bring theory to life through interactive scenarios.