High School Chemistry
Cover the foundational principles of High School Chemistry, exploring atoms, molecules, reactions, and the behavior of matter through interactive simulations.
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Welcome to High School Chemistry, where the elements come alive through engaging, interactive simulations designed to bring the core concepts of High School Chemistry directly to your fingertips. This comprehensive course offers a deep dive into the fascinating world of chemistry, covering everything from the basic building blocks of matter to complex chemical reactions and the laws governing the physical world.
Explore Chemistry's Fundamental Principles
In High School Chemistry, you will investigate the complex interactions of electrons, explore the dynamic world of chemical reactions, and decipher the principles that govern matter and energy. You'll also venture into the study of acids and bases, understand their crucial roles in chemical reactions, and explore the fascinating field of nuclear chemistry, examining the forces within atomic nuclei. Each part of the curriculum is designed to ensure a deep and enduring comprehension of chemistry's core principles, turning challenging topics into exciting opportunities for discovery.
Ionic Compounds, Organic Structures, and Forces
Engage in hands-on experiments and simulations, deconstruct chemical bonds, reaction kinetics, and the periodic table's mysteries. Witness firsthand the transformation of matter, from simple ionic compounds to complex organic structures, and understand the forces that drive these changes in a virtual lab environment that's safe and exploratory. Embark on this exciting journey through High School Chemistry and transform your curiosity into knowledge as you explore the fundamental principles that make our world.
Learning Objectives
- Grasp the structure and properties of atoms, understanding their role as the universe's building blocks
- Explain how elements combine to form compounds through various chemical bonds
- Predict the outcomes of chemical reactions using stoichiometry and energy considerations
- Understand the principles of thermodynamics that govern chemical processes
- Navigate the periodic table, correlating element properties with their position
- Apply the scientific method to design, conduct, and analyze experiments in a virtual chemistry lab
Browse Course Simulations by Unit
Scientific Investigation
The Scientific Method
Experimental Design
Chemistry Safety
Chemistry Safety: Hazard symbols
Lab Safety
Solution Preparation: From salt to solution
Heating Curves and Phase Changes: Distil Ethanol
Measurements and Uncertainty
The Carbon Cycle: Reduce carbon emissions
Plate Tectonics: Boundaries and crustal features
Math for Scientists
Scientific Notation: Converting large numbers
Fundamental Mathematics: Significant Figures
Fundamental Mathematics: Conversion factors and dimensional analysis
Fundamental Mathematics: Logarithms and Exponentials
Fundamental Mathematics: Density
Relationships in Data
The Scientific Method
Stoichiometric Calculations: Identify a compound using gravimetric analysis
Experimental Design
Scientific Theory and Communicating Science
The Carbon Cycle: Reduce carbon emissions
The Periodic Table
Introduction to Groups of the Periodic Table
Periodic Table (Principles): Get the table organized in time
Elements and Compounds: Get the oxygen back online!
Atomic Theory
Atomic Structure (Principles): Bohr and quantum models
Atomic Structure (Principles): Atoms and isotopes
Electromagnetic Spectrum (Principles): Uses and dangers of electromagnetic waves
Wave Model of Light (Principles): Use reflection and refraction to take photos
The Photoelectric Effect: How Solar Panels Generate Renewable Energy
Ionic and Covalent Bonds
Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonding
Periodic Table (Principles): Get the table organized in time
Periodic Table of Elements: Get the table organized in time!
Elements and Compounds: Get the oxygen back online!
Hydrocarbon Nomenclature and Representations
Intermolecular Forces (Principles): Rediscover the forces to save the world!
Ionic and Covalent Bonds
Stoichiometry (Principles)
Stoichiometry: Avogadro’s number and molecular calculations
Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations
Formulas and Equation Balancing: Save the chemistry lab!
Balancing Equations: Mastering the process
Synthesis Reactions: Unraveling mysteries in environmental chemistry
Decomposition Reactions: Discover the secrets of Roman concrete
Single Replacement Reactions: Investigate seawater corrosion of aluminum
Double Replacement Reactions: Help with a medical emergency!
Acids and Bases (Principles): Avoid falling in a lake of acid!
Stoichiometric Calculations: Identify a compound using gravimetric analysis
Stoichiometry: Gravimetric Analysis
Kinetic Theory and Gas Laws
Reaction Kinetics: The essentials
Ideal Gas Law: Introduction
Ideal Gas Law: Build your own temperature scale
Ideal Gas Law: Apply to save a life
Behavior of Solutions
Properties of Water
Solution Preparation: From salt to solution
Mixtures: Homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Acids and Bases (Principles)
Acids and Bases (Principles): Avoid falling in a lake of acid!
Titration: Neutralize an acid lake contamination
Advanced Acids and Bases
Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions
Basic Chemistry Thermodynamics: Solve the challenge of storing renewable energy
Calorimetry: Using a bomb calorimeter
Energy Surfaces and Spontaneous Reactions
Nuclear Chemistry (Principles)
Introduction to Radioactive Decay
Nuclear Chemistry: Understand the processes happening in the atomic nucleus
Fission: Discover a powerful energy source
Fusion: The Future of Energy
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