Benedict’s Test for Simple CarbohydratesHave you ever wondered what a simple sugar is? Discover the structure of simple carbohydrates and how you can test for the presence of simple sugars in food samples.
Biomes: Identify and create the main biomes on EarthLearn about the main biomes on Earth and where they are located with our new Biome Generator. You will be able to adjust different parameters to build your own biome and observe the result of your changes instantly!
Biuret’s Test for ProteinsHave you ever wondered what protein is? Discover the structure of protein and how you can test for the presence of protein in food samples.
Building Animal CellsHelp determine what a bear ate before it died by building the structure and choose the internal organelles of the four basic types of animal cells found inside the bear’s mouth.
Building Gram Positive and Gram Negative Cell WallsHave you ever wondered what exactly makes bacteria divided into Gram groups? Do they have special barcodes or tiny identifiers at their surface? Let's find out together!
Carbon Valence, Hybridization and AnglesJoin Dr. One on a mission to figure out how the orbitals of carbon’s valence electrons hybridize, and how this greatly influences the bonds that carbon is able to form.
Cell Division (Principles): Mitosis and MeiosisJoin a cell biology research group to find out how a poisonous compound from a yew tree can be used in cancer therapy. You will be immersed in an animation of a human cell and use light and fluorescence microscopy to study cell division.
Cell Membrane and Transport: Learn how transporters keep cells healthyDiscover the structure and function of cell membranes by launching cargo molecules at a virtual cell. Apply your learning back in the lab to improve the health of synthetic cells that the lead researcher wants to use to produce insulin.
Cell Membrane and Transport: Types of transporter proteinsDiscover the structure and function of cell membranes by launching cargo molecules at a virtual cell.
Cell Structure: Cell theory and internal organellesExplore different cell samples under the microscope to identify the differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Build the structure of an animal cell and choose the internal organelles of four specialized cells.
Cellular Respiration (Principles): Measure energy consumption during exerciseHelp local basketball players understand how the food they eat gets converted to energy through cellular respiration. Use a mouse model to find out what effect exercise intensity has on oxygen and glucose consumption.
Cellular Respiration: GlycolysisHelp the basketball players understand how the food they eat gets converted to energy by investigating glycolysis, the first stage of cellular respiration.
Cellular Respiration: RespirometryObserve how we can monitor and better understand respiration by a method known as Respirometry. Learn the effects of exercise of respiration by observing glucose levels and oxygen consumption through a model organism: a mouse.
Cellular Respiration: The Electron Transport ChainTake dive inside a mitochondrion to learn all about the electron transport chain (ETC) and pass on your findings to the basketball team so they can learn too!
Cellular Respiration: The Krebs CycleHelp a basketball team learn about what happens in the second stage of cellular respiration, the Krebs cycle, to help them improve their longevity in the game!
DNA: Structure and functionResearch the fundamentals of DNA in humans — where it is, how it’s structured, and what it does — to explain them to a confused reader of your science magazine.
Electron Transport Chain: A rollercoaster ride that produces energyHelp a group of engineers figure out if a mysterious dark alga is able to do photosynthesis using green light and measure this process with the Hill reaction. If it is, your work will help create a sustainable plan that will use sunlight and pollution sources for biofuel production.
EutrophicationUtilize microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to solve a massive fish kill mystery. Investigate how dissolved nitrogen levels and an algal bloom are linked to the fish population.
Evolution: Are you related to a sea monster?Learn the basic mechanisms of evolution in order to simulate how a population evolved over hundreds of years, and learn how random mutations are the basis of natural selection.
Evolution: Founding theories and principlesFollow the million-year evolutionary journey of a canid colony as you create random mutations in their DNA and critique biological evidence to build a taxonomic tree that unites all life on Earth.
Evolution: Taxonomic tree of lifeBuild a taxonomic tree that unites all life on Earth by exploring the differences between organisms.
Experimental DesignWork as a pharmaceutical detective to identify the link between a new drug and a recent epidemic. Use the scientific method to design an experiment and perform a fluorescent cell assay to test your hypothesis.
Exploring Human Reproductive CellsThe Labster fertility center needs your help! Some of the samples of sperm and ova have been mixed up in unlabeled tubes and the team needs your sort this out. While exploring the samples, learn about the process of meiosis and mitosis.
Gene linkage and pedigree analysesPut yourself in the place of a genetic counselor and find out if the daughter of a breast cancer patient is at a higher risk of developing breast cancer herself. Help her by constructing a pedigree and finding the defective gene by using linkage analysis.
Gram Stain: How stains and counterstains workHave you ever wondered how the bacteria cell actually gets stained during Gram staining procedure? Discover how the cell retains a certain color during the experiment and to differentiate it under the microscope!
Gram Stain: Test yourself in Gram Stain ProcedureFamiliarize yourself with details about Gram Stain procedure. Learn about reagents used during the experiment and repeat the protocol in stepwise manner, to be more than ready for real time Gram staining!
Hydrocarbon Nomenclature and RepresentationsJoin Dr. One on a mission to figure out how to systematically name hydrocarbons and interpret and use the various core formula types for organic compounds.
Inheritance with PedigreesInvestigate the principles of inheritance and draw a pedigree tree to understand how color blindness is inherited.
Inheritance with Punnett SquaresInvestigate the principles of inheritance and help a family determine whether future generations will inherit color blindness.
Introduction to Food MacromoleculesCan you use your food macromolecule knowledge to convince your friend to change her diet to a healthier one?
Introduction to Protein SynthesisExplore the structure of proteins and learn about the synthesis process inside the cells.
Iodine Test for Complex CarbohydratesHave you ever wondered what starch is? Discover the structure of complex carbohydrates and how you can test for the presence of complex carbohydrates in food samples.
Lab SafetySurvive your first day in the lab by identifying the different hazards you might encounter in an unsafe laboratory. You will be introduced to the lab dress code, safety equipment and the do's and don'ts when working in a lab.
Light MicroscopyEnter the virtual microscope room to see inside a tissue sample. Learn how a light microscope can magnify an image and answer biological questions.
Marine Biology: Investigate a massive fish deathBecome an environmental investigator and solve a massive fish kill mystery. First, learn about the different trophic levels of the ecosystem. You will then perform a fish necropsy and use a spectrophotometer to analyze oxygen levels in the water.
Meiosis, Mitosis and Plant GametesHelp the laboratory investigate some of their samples of lily anthers and explore the phases of meiosis in them. Learn the basics of meiosis and mitosis by comparing the two processes.
Meiosis: How is color blindness inherited?Investigate the principles of Mendelian inheritance and discover how color blindness is inherited by observing chromosomal rearrangement in an animation.
Mendelian Inheritance: From genes to traitsInvestigate the principles of Mendelian inheritance and help a patient determine if his future children will inherit his color-blindness.
MicroscopyAnalyze the microscopic structure of the small intestine and learn the advantages and limitations of light, fluorescence and electron microscopy.
Osmosis and Diffusion: Choose the right solution for an intravenous dripHelp save Frank’s life by choosing the correct saline solution for an intravenous drip. Join Dr. One in the lab to discover what a hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic solution is and how water is transported across the cell membrane in osmosis.
Protein SynthesisExplore the structure of proteins and learn about the synthesis process inside the cells. Examine the protein sequence to understand the differences of protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Spectrophotometers: Building and exploring the instrumentBuild your own spectrophotometer to discover how you can measure substances with light
Spectrophotometry: Learn the Beer-Lambert law with absorbance experimentsBuild your own spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of a reaction product on Mars!
Sudan IV Test for LipidsHave you ever wondered what fat is? Discover the structure of lipids and how you can test for the presence of lipids in food samples.
The Nitrogen Cycle: Balance food demands and environmental concernsLearn about the nitrogen cycle and help a local restaurant owner understand the complexities of sustainable crop production. Model nitrogen moving between stages of the cycle and then balance food production with environmental impact.
Trophic Levels: Grazer vs. predatorExperience first-hand how energy is transferred within a food web and between trophic levels. In this simulation, you will guide a zebra towards a feeding ground by interacting with organisms in different trophic levels.
Western Blot Transfer: Prepare for protein detectionJoin Dr. One and two colleagues on their mission to cure cancer. They are using Western blot to compare the level of p53 protein in cancerous and healthy control cells. Can you help Dr. One with the tricky membrane transfer step?
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Virtual Labs are interactive science simulations that accelerate STEM learning through gamification. Educators assign labs to students through their internet browsers, where students can train lab skills, visualize abstract theory, and learn science through real-world scenarios.
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