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AP Biology

Unlock the secrets of life from molecular biology to genetics and evolution in this comprehensive course, designed to foster a deep understanding of biological principles through immersive simulations.

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AP Biology
High School

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Venture through life’s building blocks with our Advanced Placement Biology course. From the chemistry of life to the intricacies of gene expression and the fundamentals of natural selection, this course offers a varied exploration of biology. Engage with interactive simulations that showcase the biological world in vivid detail.

A Journey through Biology

Engage with the essence of life with our unit, where you'll explore everything from the chemistry of water and macromolecules to cell structure, function, and processes. Master the principles of cellular energetics, from enzyme kinetics to photosynthesis and cellular communications and cycles. Each simulation is crafted to enhance your understanding, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge in virtual experiments that mirror real-world scenarios.

Decoding Genetics & Evolution

Unravel the complex language of genetics through units on heredity and gene expression and regulation. Our course examines the progress of our understanding of genes and inheritance from Mendel’s Laws to applications in Biotechnology. Drawing on knowledge of how genetic variation arises, this course concludes with the principles of evolution and selection and how these processes shape the diversity of life of Earth. 

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate the roles of the chemical building blocks of life in cellular structure, functions, and processes.
  • Apply the principles of cellular energetics to evaluate how cells obtain, transform, and utilize energy to maintain homeostasis and support life processes
  • Investigate the mechanisms of heredity and gene expression to predict inheritance patterns and explain how genetic variation arises and contributes to the diversity of life

Browse Course Simulations by Unit

Course Units


Chemistry of Life

Properties of Water

Ionic and Covalent Bonds

Intermolecular Forces (Principles): Rediscover the forces to save the world!

Atomic Structure: Assess the possibility of life on other planets

Atomic Structure (Principles): Atoms and isotopes

Atomic Structure (Principles): Bohr and quantum models

Nuclear Chemistry: Understand the processes happening in the atomic nucleus

Introduction to Food Macromolecules

Benedict’s Test for Simple Carbohydrates

Iodine Test for Complex Carbohydrates

Biuret’s Test for Proteins

Sudan IV Test for Lipids

Protein Denaturation

Protein Synthesis

Gel Electrophoresis: Visualize and separate nucleic acids

Math for Scientists

Scientific Notation: Converting large numbers

Fundamental Mathematics: Significant Figures

Fundamental Mathematics: Conversion factors and dimensional analysis

Fundamental Mathematics: Logarithms and Exponentials

Fundamental Mathematics: Density

Cell Structure and Function

Cell Structure: Cell theory and internal organelles

Building Animal Cells

Bacterial Cell Structures: An introduction to the bacterial cell

Cell Culture Basics: Plate, split and freeze human cells

The Gram Stain: Identify and differentiate bacteria

Building Gram Positive and Gram Negative Cell Walls

Gram Stain: Test yourself in Gram Stain Procedure

Gram Stain: How stains and counterstains work

Cell Membrane and Transport: Learn how transporters keep cells healthy

Cell Membrane and Transport: Types of transporter proteins

Cell Membrane and Transport: Modifying the cell membrane

Osmosis and Diffusion: Choose the right solution for an intravenous drip

Cellular Energetics

Enzyme Kinetics

Cellular Respiration: Measuring energy consumption during exercise

Cellular Respiration (Principles): Measure energy consumption during exercise

Electron Transport Chain: A rollercoaster ride that produces energy

Photosynthesis: Electron transport chain

Photosynthesis: Algae pigment analysis

Cell Communication and Cell Cycle

Signal Transduction: How cells communicate

Signal Transduction: Choose the best cancer inhibitor

Sensory transduction: Learn why you feel pain when you get hit by a rock

Mitosis: Using a toxic compound from the yew tree in cancer therapy

Your Diet and Your DNA


Meiosis: Understand how traits are inherited

Mendelian Inheritance: From genes to traits

Medical Genetics

Animal Genetics

Gene Expression and Gene Regulation

DNA: Structure and function

Protein Synthesis

Gene Regulation

Gene Expression Unit: Use sequencing to unveil a gene linked to obesity

Multiplex Automated Genomic Engineering (MAGE): Conjuring massive mutations

Cancer: Impact of BRCA mutations

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Gel Electrophoresis: Visualize and separate nucleic acids

CRISPR-Cas applied to TGF-beta induced EMT

Genetically Engineered Machine

Embryology: Discover the genetics of limb development

Natural Selection

Evolution: Are you related to a sea monster?

Evolution: Founding theories and principles

Competition: Learn to identify and quantify competition between species

Population Growth: Lets catch some goslins!

Landscape Ecology: Determine persistence in a spatially heterogeneous landscape

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